Nicolae Testemitanu University tuition fees for 2022-2023 academic year have been approved
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Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova reduced the tuition fee for Radiological Technology undergraduate program from 32.2 thousand lei to 19.3 thousand lei for the academic year 2022-2023.
The fees for integrated higher education programs remained unchanged: in Medicine - 30.1 thousand lei, in Pharmacy - 30.5 thousand lei, and in Stomatology - 33.1 thousand lei. The fees for undergraduate studies under Optometry program remain 32.2 thousand lei, while for Nursing and Public Health programs - 19.3 thousand lei.
Fees have also been set for the new higher education programs to be launched this year. Thus, for the bachelor's degree program in Physiokinetotherapy and rehabilitation, the tuition fee is 21.6 thousand lei, and for the master's programs in: Clinical Optometry - 24 thousand lei, Human Nutrition and Public Mental Health - 19.3 thousand lei.
The information was presented by Victoria Craveț, vice-rector for economic-financial activity of Nicolae Testemitanu University, at the meeting of the University Senate on April 21 this year. "The decision to keep tuition fees at the level of previous years for Moldovan citizens was determined by the economic and geopolitical crisis in the region. At the same time, when determining the tuition fees, several indicators were taken into account: the expenses calculated for the hours envisaged by each study program, the number of students in the group, the level of endowment of the clinical bases where the students are trained, etc.", underlined the vice-rector.
The tuition fee for the master's degree program in Molecular Technologies in Health remained unchanged - 19.3 thousand lei, and the tuition fee for the master's program in Management in Public Health will amount to 24.2 thousand lei for this year.
Moreover, the tuition fees for teaching in English and French for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, who studied abroad, have not been changed. Teaching for these categories of students has been introduced at the request of citizens from the diaspora, and, respectively, it requires additional costs related to the salary of teachers. Thus, the following fees are maintained for the following programs: Medicine - the fee of 41.7 thousand lei, Pharmacy - 40.9 thousand lei, Stomatology - 45.5 thousand lei (including for practical works), Optometry - 41.7 thousand lei and Nursing- 27.7 thousand lei.
Likewise, the amount of tuition fees for doctoral programs remains unchanged: in the first year - 18.7 thousand lei and in the second year - 15.7 thousand lei. The fees for residency postgraduate studies remained unchanged too: for Medicine and Pharmacy - of 27.4 thousand lei each, for Stomatology - 31 thousand lei, as well as for postgraduate studies in clinical secondary education: Medicine - 27.4 thousand lei and in Stomatology - 31 thousand lei.
It should be noted that the registration fee for the admission competition for undergraduate and integrated higher education, as well as for residency, clinical secondary education and doctorate, also remains unchanged - in the amount of 100 lei. Candidates with the status of children without parental care and those with a severe and accentuated degree of disability are exempted from paying the registration fee for the competition.
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