Start of Professor Of The Year 2022 contest
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Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy will hold Professor of the Year 2022 contest, the second edition, during May-September 2022. This year, the winners will also be nominated in three categories - University Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor of the Year 2022 - according to their professional achievements. A decision in this regard was approved at the University Senate meeting of April 21. Senators approved the composition of the Competition Commission, consisting of vice-rectors, deans, the president of the Trade Union Committee of Nicolae Testemitanu University employees and the representative of the Association of Medical Students and Residents, as well as the tie-breaker criteria for the competition.
The first stage will take place between May 16-31, a period during which the university subdivisions (department/ chair/ discipline) will identify the eligible candidates. At the second stage their names shall be submitted to the Faculty Council / Faculty Committee on June 6-30. Subsequently, between September 5-30, the winners of the competition (third stage), elected by secret and free vote of the University Commission members, will be announced. The Senate will hear the Report on the results of the contest and will approve the winners in the three categories.
Tatiana Novac, head of the Legal and Human Resources Department, mentioned that the competition can be attended by tenured teaching and scientific-teaching staff members, who will be selected according to the following criteria: teaching and scientific activity, recognition and impact of the activity, research and teaching evaluation, economic, social and cultural relevance, participation in projects.
The rector of Nicolae Testemitanu University, university professor Emil Ceban, urged the deans and the chiefs of chairs to encourage the scientific-didactic staff to participate, emphasizing that “all those who work at the University must be motivated and appreciated according to their merits and this competition should become a beautiful tradition."
Teacher of the Year competition was introduced in order to stimulate the scientific-didactic creativity of the academic staff, motivate continuous professional development, increase the quality of the educational process, research and clinical activity, and promote advanced and innovative experience, according to European best practices.
The awards ceremony will take place in October during the University Days. More details can be found in the Regulations on the organization and conduct of the Teacher of the Year contest at Nicolae Testemitanu University.
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